UPDATE: The Avengers 4 trailer has been released. Watch it here!

UPDATE: The Captain Marvel trailer has released online. Watch it here!

Marvel fans are all waiting for the Avengers 4 trailer, but Marvel Studios is smartly debuting the second trailer for Captain Marvel first. The Captain Marvel teaser trailer for Brie Larson’s solo MCU movie debuted earlier this year, but now Marvel’s confirmed the second Captain Marvel trailer is scheduled to arrive with Monday Night Football.

The release dates for both trailers have been the subject of much debate and rumors, but it has been when Avengers 4’s trailer will debut that has really dominated conversations. Since Marvel has already debuted footage for Captain Marvel, many believed that the highly anticipated Avengers: Infinity War follow up would see its trailer come next. Avengers 4 as a whole has been incredibly secretive and fans are (somewhat understandably) getting anxious waiting for the news. With Captain Marvel’s trailer confirmed to be next up, the reports of Avengers 4’s debut not being too far off appear to be true.

Marvel’s decision to put the second Captain Marvel trailer out before the first for Avengers 4 trailer may not make a ton of sense to some, but it actually is the best decision for both movies. For starters, this release schedule guarantees that Marvel’s first female-led solo movie gets the spotlight first. This could be potentially short-lived if they debut another major trailer just a few days later, but it’s better to come first than for Captain Marvel to try and follow all the Avengers 4 news.

The craziest part about the start of Avengers 4’s marketing is that the actual announcement of the trailer is almost just as anticipated. Marvel hasn’t confirmed the Avengers 4 title yet, but many expect that a trailer announcement will bring the title with it. This could also potentially cut into the Captain Marvel discussion even earlier given the current schedule, but that doesn’t mean it’s the wrong move, because the trailer can help each other.

Captain Marvel is set to play a large role in Avengers 4, but there are plenty of people who are not yet familiar with her. If she’s going to appear in the Avengers 4 trailer, then it probably will be in only a handful of scenes. After all, the story of Avengers 4 will heavily revolve around the original six Avengers and their possible sendoff. Captain Marvel’s second trailer can show off her own movie first so general audiences and fans can gain a greater understanding of who Carol Danvers is. This helps the solo movie first and foremost as a means of selling the character, but also means everyone can see the highly anticipated Avengers 4 trailer and know how she can factor in better.

Simply put, Captain Marvel coming first can further hype up the Avengers 4 launch - even if it doesn’t need it. There is an incredible amount of hype and anticipation for the Avengers 4 trailer already, with many expecting it to shatter trailer view records just like Infinity War did. On top of that, there will be no shortage of coverage, discussions, and breakdowns that come. Some of this will still be true for Captain Marvel’s trailer, but it’s better for the solo movie to have that come before Avengers 4 dwarfs everything else.

Given the secrecy and wait, fans are going to dig deep into everything the Avengers 4 trailer contains. Meanwhile, this will be the second trailer for Captain Marvel and may not pack as many reveals or teases as the first - and certainly won’t compare to what Avengers 4 offers. Everything from what characters appear to the setting or actual plot remain a mystery. The next Russo Brothers-directed film is going to draw a ton of interest regardless of when it’s released, so it going first may have resulted in a second trailer for Captain Marvel being glossed over. However close the two trailers are released to the other, Marvel Studios appears to have made the right decision putting Captain Marvel out before Avengers 4.

More: Avengers 4: Every Update You Need To Know

  • captain marvel Release Date: 2019-03-08 The Avengers 4 Release Date: 2019-04-26 spider-man homecoming 2 Release Date: 2019-07-02