Ever since the post-credits scene of The Avengers, fans of both the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Marvel Comics Universe have been waiting to see Thanos in all his glory. That time will finally come in Avengers: Infinity War and the subsequent untitled sequel, where Josh Brolin will get put to work and bring the Mad Titan to life. Thanos will be on a quest to round up the six Infinity Stones (that he has still yet to claim and in some cases, even lose), so that his Infinity Gauntlet will be the deadliest and most powerful weapon imaginable.

Thanks to this incredible power literally at his fingertips, it will take most everybody in the MCU to try and stop Thanos. The Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and more will be joining together in the fight against Thanos, leading some to wonder how Marvel will deal with having all these heroes fight just one villain. Well, it turns out that Thanos will be getting some help with his quest.

While speaking to THR about his motion capture work as Kong in Kong: Skull Island, Terry Notary revealed that he will be part of Infinity War’s ensemble. He could not say who exactly he will be playing, but did reveal that he is one of four henchmen that serve Thanos, with his character being his right hand guy:

Even though his exact role is unconfirmed, bringing someone with Notary’s pedigree into the fold should point to this character also being a CGI creation for him to create and explore. Notary is no stranger to big-budget roles either, as he has also been a member of the recent Planet of the Apes franchise, The Hobbit trilogy, and more.

I’m working on four characters right now. I’m working with Josh Brolin and three other actors [in Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War], and I’m playing Josh Brolin’s right hand bad guy in the film. I can’t say the name of the character or I think Marvel will sever my head, but I apply those same principals of what it means to drop bullshit and just play a character truly evil. And it’s working. [Laughs] It’s truly working.

As for Notary’s role within the MCU, the confirmation that Thanos will have henchmen should help level the playing field just a bit, and could signal the inclusion of one of Thanos’ favorite group of villains, the Black Order, making their debut. In fact, to make matters more interesting, Notary is already credited as playing Cull Obsidian (as well as Groot) on IMDb, which is a known alias of the Black Order. IMDb is not the most reliable source for casting information as anyone can add/change credits, but it does make the situation that much more interesting.

Specifically, if Notary is a member of the Black Order but also Thanos’ right hand man, he could be doing a motion-capture performance as Corvus Glaive. Glaive is basically immortal in the comics, posing another great threat to the heroes, if this does turn out to be Notary’s role. However, this is merely speculation at this point, but with Notary confirmed to be involved (combined with the other information), this does seem like a strong possibility.

Source: THR

  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Release Date: 2017-05-05 Black Panther Release Date: 2018-02-16 Avengers: Infinity War Release Date: 2018-04-27 The Avengers 4 Release Date: 2019-04-26 Ant-Man 2 Release Date: 2018-07-06 captain marvel Release Date: 2019-03-08