Although Kelley Flanagan made a splash at the start of Peter Weber’s season of The Bachelor, her recent one-on-one date has fans convinced that she’s just not into this season’s leading man. Peter bought her explanation for her apparent lack of interest, but fans are convinced that she’s just sticking around for fun and possibly fame, even though she doesn’t really like the pilot.

Interestingly enough, Peter met Kelley before the season even began when the two ran into each other at a hotel. According to both Kelley and Peter, sparks flew during their first meeting, leaving Peter excited at the possibility that she might show up on his season. When she arrived on night one, he seemed genuinely excited to see her. Although Kelley is one of the quieter ones in the house, it’s obvious Peter is attracted to her. Going into their one-on-one date on Wednesday evening, however, Peter explained that Kelley had faded into the background as the weeks went by. He said he needed “to see a lot from her today,” as he wasn’t fully convinced that Kelley actually liked him. Although they had a long conversation about how she wasn’t trying hard enough, Kelley’s responses temporarily soothed Peter’s fears and he gave her the rose, cementing her spot on the show for another week.

Even though Peter believed Kelley’s assertions that she did like him, fans weren’t so convinced. According to Cosmopolitan, many people took to Twitter to explain that Kelley’s feelings for the pilot had definitely cooled off. Although Kelley claimed that the environment was weird for her, which make it difficult for her to put forward any effort, fans picked apart her facial expressions in an effort to tell Peter, “She’s just not that into you.” Some fans accused Kelley of coming on the show for Instagram sponsorships without any intention of falling for Peter, while others joked that the unfortunate date interrupted her Costa Rican vacation. Most fans focused on her total lack of facial expressions, stating that she looked like she was being held hostage. For other viewers, however, her lack of interest in bonding with Peter was hilarious and endearing.

While Kelley seemed uninterested in furthering her relationship with Peter, she didn’t hold back her feelings regarding the drama that has dominated Peter’s season. When Peter stated that he felt like Kelley disappeared as the show continued, she agreed. However, she didn’t say that she didn’t want marriage. Instead, she explicitly stated that she wasn’t sure if Peter was ready for a wife, saying, “I’m extremely mature for my age.” Kelley continued, “And I’m truly ready for that step and there were things that were questioned about you on that so when that was said I was like ‘OK, well I need to clarify.’” When Peter asked what she was worried about when it came to him, Kelley replied, “Just like rewarding the drama and stuff like that. That just kind of like irked me. No person who should be in that stage would want to even put up with that.” While Kelley didn’t hesitate in calling Peter out, she also stated that she would get engaged at the end of the show, as long as she felt confident in their relationship.

While many fans picked up on Kelley’s lackluster facial expressions, the more telling part of her date with Peter was their conversation. Kelley had no problem telling the pilot that she wasn’t confident in his behavior and that the way he handled things irritated her. While many contestants on this show tout their adoration of the Bachelor in all situations or sling around petty complaints, Kelley brought up a serious concern that would actually affect a future marriage. Peter implied that she wasn’t ready for a relationship at all. Kelley’s response proves that she’s very ready for marriage, but probably not with Peter.

Next: 10 Things About the Bachelor Franchise That Haven’t Aged Well

The Bachelor airs Mondays at 8 pm EST on ABC.

Source: Cosmopolitan