There are so many theories floating around about The Bachelor finale that it can be dizzying, but at least one rumor has been squashed. Peter Weber does not end up with Kelley Flanagan, and he most certainly does not get her pregnant.

Peter and Kelley met in August, before the show started filming. He was surprised when she showed up to the mansion as one of the contestants, and she seemed to be one of the frontrunners. She made it to the final six, but ultimately, Peter’s connections were stronger with other women. Kelley seemed less than enthused with Peter’s taste in women, as her sent her home on the three-person date before hometowns. She wasn’t invited to the Women Tell All after reportedly trashing the show, and that sparked rumors that perhaps there was a perfectly good reason she wasn’t there. Could it be possible, some fans pondered, that Kelley was told not to come because Peter actually goes back to her and they wind up engaged at the end of all this? When it was revealed that Peter’s mother, father and brother followed Kelley on Instagram and no one else, that made it appear as if this wasn’t just conjecture. Some even put it out into the universe that Peter got Kelley pregnant when they first met in August and that’s what Chris Harrison pulls him aside to tell him in the finale.

That’s not the case, apparently. Spoiler extraordinaire Reality Steve (via Cosmopolitan) put this theory to bed, writing, “Stop it. Just stop. Save it. Peter is not with Kelley. Period. End of story.” While Reality Steve didn’t have all the answers this season, if he says something definitely doesn’t happen, he’s generally correct.

The part of this theory that never made sense, aside from Peter suddenly realizing that Kelley was actually the best choice for him, was that Kelley would never take him back. In the past, runners-up have accepted The Bachelor making the wrong choice. But Peter didn’t even think highly enough of Kelley to bring her to the hometown dates. And it’s clear she thought she was a much better option than the women who did make the final four. It’s likely the attorney would have given him a “thanks, but no thanks” had he come knocking on her door.

The good thing about this theory being debunked is that it is hardly a spoiler. There are still a ton of rumors out there about what happens in the end, which makes this finale one of the highest anticipated episodes of The Bachelor in some time. Part of it is the thrill of seeing how it all plays out, and the other part is wanting it to finally be over so we can move on to getting excited for Clare Crawley’s season of The Bachelorette.

Next: Clare Crawley Announced As The Bachelorette

The two-part finale of The Bachelor airs Monday and Tuesday at 8pm EST on ABC.