Despite it being a belated sequel to a nostalgic series that was released in January, Bad Boys For Life was a lot better than expected. The third Bad Boys movie didn’t just reintroduce audiences to the unforgettable duo of Miami detectives Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence), but arguably ended their adventures on a high note.

However, due to its success, a Bad Boys 4 has been quickly greenlit and is expected to hit cinemas sometime in 2021. This decision has split the fans since some are fine with the series ending while others want to see more of Mike and Marcus. So with that in mind, here are five reasons why we need a Bad Boys 4 and five why we don’t. Obviously, spoilers ahead for Bad Boys For Life.

NEED: They Have To Learn The Lyrics At Some Point

It may have been 17 years since Bad Boys II, but the titular duo has yet to learn the lyrics to their own theme song. This running gag has been going on since 1995, and it resurfaces in their third outing where Mike and Marcus still don’t know what comes next after “Whatchu gonna do when we come for you?”

Them finally singing the song properly would be the perfect coda to the Bad Boys franchise as a whole, which we imagine would seamlessly transition to the Inner Circle song that plays over the credits. Just make sure it’s Mike and Marcus who sing it – no one else is allowed to use the song.

DON’T NEED: About That Title…

This is an admittedly silly nitpick but it’d be a crime to ignore it. Bad Boys For Life is a good title for the franchise’s closing chapter, but it would’ve been better if it were saved for part four, not three.

Now that Bad Boys 4 has just been confirmed to be in the early stages of production, we can’t help but feel like the For Life subtitle was used too early. What are they going to call Bad Boys 4 now? An acceptable substitute would be Bad Boys Forever, but that sounds a bit tacky and lacks the finality of For Life.


To help with the current investigation and help them get with the times, Mike and Marcus are told to work in tandem with the high-tech Advanced Miami Metro Operations (AMMO) task force. Together, they find out who’s behind the slew of high-profile assassinations and put an end to it.

Despite a rough start, Mike and Marcus work great with AMMO, and it would be fun to see the Bad Boys fight crime alongside these newcomers. Mike and Marcus aren’t getting any younger, so it would be nice to see them mentor the new blood while still serving and protecting, albeit from a different standpoint.


On the flip side, some purists would find AMMO unnecessary at best and downright annoying at worst. Though they never steal the spotlight, it’s obvious that they were introduced in the hopes of expanding Bad Boys into a cinematic universe with an AMMO spin-off or two.

This echoes The Expendables 3’s fatal mistake, which was to replace the ‘80s action stars with young mercenaries – despite said veterans being the entire reason why The Expendables even exists. Fans go to Bad Boys to see Mike and Marcus shoot bad guys and bicker, not to see them get upstaged by smarmy youngsters who make countless jokes about the leads being old-timers.

NEED: Armando Armas’ Redemption Arc

Bad Boys For Life ends in an unexpected way, as Mike – a cowboy cop – doesn’t shoot the gunman at the center of the conspiracy. Sure, it helps that Armando Armas is actually his son but Mike isn’t really known for having mercy. Earlier, he declared he’d shoot Armando without hesitation but he had a change of heart by the end.

Mike’s decision to help Armando earn redemption seems to have been the right choice, as the movie ends with Armando interested in what Mike has to offer (i.e. a possible spot at AMMO). Bad Boys 4 could delve further into this unorthodox father-son bond and show an unlikely anti-hero earn redemption the hard way.

DON’T NEED: Let Marcus Retire Already

Ever since Bad Boys II, Marcus has been thinking about quitting the force so that he could spend time with his family. He actually does retire in Bad Boys For Life, much to Mike’s dismay. While he’s back with the police by the end, it would be better if this were a temporary situation.

If there’s anyone in Bad Boys who deserves a break, it’s Marcus. His kids are grown up, he’s nearing his ‘60s, and he can finally spend some quality time with his wife – just let him enjoy life already! That, and it’s not a good idea to test audiences’ patience by bringing back the same old retirement jokes…especially after Marcus actually retired (even if temporarily).

NEED: Rita Is The New Captain

Someone who will sadly not return for Bad Boys 4 is Capt. Howard, as he was assassinated during Armando’s warpath. Taking up his mantle would be Rita, the leader of AMMO and Mike’s potential love interest.

Not only would it be great to see Rita take charge and see where that would go, but it’d be a new dynamic for Mike. Instead of butting heads with the chief, he may end up in a romantic arc with his new boss Rita. Given Bad Boys’ signature comedy, this would be a fun interaction to see play out.

DON’T NEED: The Bad Boys Are Good Men Now

What sets Bad Boys For Life apart from belated sequels to nostalgic action movies is that it acknowledges its age – it doesn’t snark about being older or pine for the glory days, instead choosing to tackle the hard realities of age head-on. In fact, the main duo’s dynamic is defined by them wondering if their time has finally come to an end.

While Marcus is comfortable with retirement, Mike struggles to accept that their ride-or-die days are a relic of the past. They come to a bittersweet compromise at the end, where Mike accepts that there’s more to life than police work while Marcus sticks by his partner just a bit longer. Fun as it would be, a Bad Boys 4 risks nullifying the themes and realizations of this reflective third chapter.

NEED: More Marcus & Mike, Please

Bad Boys gave the world the tandem of Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, a buddy cop pairing no one knew they wanted until they saw it in action. Seeing these two play highly contrasting characters who share a strong friendship is always fun, and more of it is definitely welcome.

Times may change, but Mike and Marcus’ friendship is something that will never get old. Their polarizing philosophies and never-ending arguments are the life and blood of the Bad Boys movie. As long as Bad Boys 4 has these two in the lead, we’d watch it even if it were as terrible as A Good Day To Die Hard.

DON’T NEED: One Last Time…Until The Next One

The marketing for Bad Boys For Life made a big deal about it being the end of the line. However, no one bought this and jokes comparing Bad Boys to Fast & Furious movies quickly sprung up online. After all, Fast & Furious 7 was also billed as the last ride…which it totally was.

Bad Boys For Life is the perfect conclusion to Mike and Marcus’ stories, and making another chapter would rob it of its finality. Even with part three’s open ending and teasers, where can Bad Boys go? Mike and Marcus are entering their twilight, and a Bad Boys 4 would only make them spin wheels instead of moving forward. As much as we love them, it would be both weird and pathetic to see senior-aged Mike and Marcus yelling at each other like they were in their ‘20s.