One of the major quests in Baldur’s Gate 3 is the Find the Nightsong. However, in order to complete that, you have to solve the moon puzzle, go to the Underdark and defeat 2 Minotaurs on your way. Contrarily, it isn’t easy at all. Sadly enough, most players are struggling to defeat the Minotaurs.

Pertaining to which, we decided to bring up a guide that will help the players to complete Find the Nightsong while defeating the 2 Minotaurs on their way. Now without taking any more time, let’s begin.

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Where is Underdark?

The team at Larian Studios has not fully finished this search, but you can still take one of the three paths listed by Halsin. He cites the Risen Path, the Pass of the Mountains, and the tunnels in the Underground.

Currently, the Risen Road and the Mountain Pass routes are incomplete and will send an image that these regions are not currently in the game. This forces you to take the tunnels under the undergrowth for the next step in your journey.

If you ask Halsin how to get to the Underdark, he’ll say there’s a tunnel coming from the temple of Selune. Unfortunately, he’s not going to send you a lot of detail than that, apart from Aradin attempting to search treasures down there and struggling. Start going back to the Goblin Camp, where you’re obviously no longer allowed to walk about openly.

So, if you take the waypoint again, be prepared for a goblin battle if you haven’t killed any of them before. The induction of ogres from the Blighted Settlement is a useful tactic for wiping out the Goblin Camp.

Entering the Underdark and Defeating 2 Minotaur

Up ahead, you’ll see a way to the east side of the space and a laser statue shot out. There may be a little puzzle here to get the Sharran Gem that seems to be connected to the lever above the front doors.

However, to keep going, all you need to do is connect with the lever to the right of the gate. This is going to lift the iron gate that allows you to get through. Now moving towards north from the gate will lead to a clipping of the fungal spores, meaning, “They’re coming, you’re coming.”

If you haven’t seen a red button on the minimap for a hostile yet, indeed, these strange fungal spores are warning the enemy ahead. However, you might not be able to play the same thing in Baldur’s Gate 3, but get ready for two hulking Minotaur’s. Get ready as two of the Minotaur’s are about to rock the planet. Don’t let them charge you off the ledge.

Travel north after taking care of the Minotaur’s before you hit a rock wall ladder (When you’ve done dealing with the Minotaur’s, head north until you’re next to the cargo net ladder along the rock wall).

You should climb up the side for some loot, but be careful with the traps. Be vigilant of the ledges close, because they reach you hard and love to charge. Even though there are only two Minotaur’s to deal with, be careful not to be quick.

This is a side area where you can climb and get some loot, but beware, there are several traps at the ladder’s base. However, you would need to run a vision scan effectively to notice them. If you don’t worry about this side of the road, make a right to the west a little before this staircase. There’s going to be a short rock ramp/path that you can walk down to get you further into the Underworld.

That’s all we have for with defeating the 2 Minotaurs in Baldur’s Gate 3 and we hope this definitely helped you. Now, check out our Windows Guides, Gaming Guides, Social Media Guides, iPhone, and Android Guides to know more. If you have any queries, comment down with your name & email ID. Moreover, subscribe to our very own YouTube Channel in order to watch awesome videos on gaming and smartphone tips and tricks.
