Warning SPOILERS for Batman #83

The current Batman epic from Tom King is finally coming to an end. And now that the truth about Alfred Pennyworth’s shocking death has finally been revealed to Bruce – and the readers along with him – there’s no question this story will be one for the ages.

It was obvious the moment Bane snapped Alfred’s neck that Tom King and Mikel Janín’s work would be controversial (as almost any semi-permanent change to the status quo always is). But even as DC has advertised a memorial issue in Batman: Pennyworth R.I.P., some fans have held out hope. That hope is rooted in confusion sown by King himself, with Batman claiming Alfred had escaped captivity before his murder, in an apparent twist after the fact. Which means hearts will be breaking all over again, once they accept Alfred Pennyworth is truly gone… and the tragic, beautiful reason he seemed to be out of danger. Readers be warned, SPOILERS ahead.

To clarify, the confusion mentioned above came during Batman #79; an issue released after Alfred’s death, but set prior to his murder in the timeline (as literally noted in the issue itself). The obvious implication was that Alfred wasn’t murdered by Bane after all, leading fans to wonder who or what Bane killed, only making it seem like he was killing Alfred. But the execution wasn’t faked by Bane or his top ally, the Flashpoint Batman Thomas Wayne. A fact Bruce Wayne only realizes when he’s faced with Alfred’s body, having believed he was far away, and safe.

The heartbreaking scene of Batman finding Alfred was released ahead of time by DC Comics, but the true tragedy is saved for the full issue. For those who may have missed the latest development, Batman and Catwoman succeeded in defeating Bane… before Thomas Wayne strolled in to murder the musclebound mastermind (and shooting Bruce, too). The issue concluded with Batman completely vulnerable, setting the stage for the opening of Batman #83, in which Bruce discovers the truth of Alfred’s death. Overlaying the entire scene is what seems to be a recording of Alfred, giving a lengthy message to Bruce (the reasons behind it becoming clear by the final pages).

While recalling his earliest days with Bruce, and his growth from a loving guardian to a proud father, Alfred’s final words shouldn’t be missed by any self-proclaimed Batman fan. Especially once he reveals he accepted his own mission alongside Bruce: “I sought merely to see your smile again. I pursued this as relentlessly as you pursued your war.” Alfred then reveals that his dream came true, on the morning of Batman’s wedding to Catwoman. But when Bane’s plan to destroy Bruce Wayne meant even sabotaging that blessing and Bruce’s happiness along with it, Alfred was watching.

When Bane and Thomas succeeded in breaking, but not destroying Bruce, Alfred was also watching. He watched as Thomas took him hostage in Wayne Manor, as Bane took control of Gotham City, and issued a promise to Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, and any other ally or member of the Batman Family: come into Gotham, and Alfred dies. As Batman pays his tearful respects to Alfred before tearing apart the room in rage and grief, Alfred’s explanation finally arrives at the matter of his ’escape’ and death:

Alfred’s death was seen in many ways by readers, from a devastating but understandable shock to an outrage. But it will be hard to take issue with his justification. Having found himself the only thing keeping Bruce from victory, and true happiness, his next move was obvious – and taken happily. His last act as Bruce’s father, one could say, proving in the most ultimate terms that “no matter the consequences, I will not allow anyone to break you.” And after calling back to Bruce asking if his parents would be proud of his “good death” in Batman #1, Alfred says his final goodbyes. Knowing Bruce will have nothing left to lose, and therefore able to do what he must, to finally attain the ending Alfred hoped would someday be possible.

Which brings us to today. To Thomas holding our city. You with the brilliant plan to take it back. The only obstacle between yourself and victory and peace… being me. I’ve just signaled to you that I have run. That I am safe, that you might execute your plan. You believed me. I am, if not much else, a talented actor. And soon you will come.

But I am not safe. I, unfortunately, could not find a way to run. I expect now that Thomas will kill me. And so you must ask, why the lie?

It’s a triumph of an issue in the story so far, executed to near perfection by King and Janín. And as Thomas Wayne calls on Bruce, believing he has been broken by Alfred’s motivations… he has no idea what he is truly in for. Readers will be able to see how the rest of this issue plays out, and how the finale is set up to be a fireworks display between the Wayne father and son, by picking up their own issue of Batman #83. Until then, read on for the full credits and plot synopsis for the issue below.

  • BATMAN #83 Release Date: November 20th, 2019 Written by: Tom King Art by: Mikel Janín, Jordie Bellaire Cover Art by: Mikel Janín It’s chapter nine of “City of Bane,” and it’s time for a reckoning in Gotham City! Thomas Wayne has joined forces with Bane, and that alliance threatens to throw a monkey wrench into Batman’s plans. And as Bane’s evil army begins to crumble, the Caped Crusader must face the real force behind it all. As the end of this epic tale grows near, Batman and his allies have a choice: let Bane stay in power and guarantee the city’s survival, or risk everything to break free!

Batman #83 is available now at your local comic book shop.

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