Earning ribbons is a great way to rank up faster and due to this jump in rank, you can customize your weapons. Customization is the best way to ensure you are at the top of your game, because it allows you to cater towards your specific play style. Collecting all the awards will prove to show that you are one dedicated Battlefield player and show off your ability, because some of these ribbons are specific to a certain class. There are 45 ribbons that you can be awarded in the game for different categories and earning 50 of each specific ribbon gets you the corresponding medal. 

The list below shows all the ribbons in their categories and how to obtain each one. To find more guides for Battlefield 4 go to ChizeloffdaBlock’s Guide List.

Vehicle Ribbons 

Infantry Fighting Vehicle

Kill 5 enemies with an Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFVs are any vehicle that is designed to carry squads but also has an anti-vehicle weapon.)

Main Battle Tank 

Kill 5 enemies with a Main Battle Tank


Anti-Air Tank

Kill 4 enemies with a Anti-Air Tank


Scout Helicopter

Kill 5 enemies with a Scout helicopter (Such as the AH-6 Little Bird and Z-11W)


Attack Helicopter 

Kill 5 enemies with an Attack Helicopter 


Jet Fighter

Kill 5 enemies with a Jet Fighter



Kill 4 enemies with any watercraft


 Weapon Ribbons


Kill 4 enemies with any handgun



Assault Rifle

Kill 6 enemies with any assault rifle




Kill 6 enemies with any Carbine



Sniper Rifle

Kill 6 enemies with any sniper rifle




Kill 6 enemies with any LMG




Kill 6 enemies with any DMR




Kill 6 enemies with any PDW




Kill 6 enemies with Shotguns




Kill 4 enemies with the Knife



Game Mode Ribbons

Conquest Flag Capture

Capture 2 flags in Conquest


M-COM Attacker

Arm 2 M-COMs in Rush


Bomb Delivery

Deliver 1 bomb in Obliteration



Win a round of Conquest



Win a round of Rush


Team Deathmatch

Win a round of Team Deathmatch


Squad Deathmatch

Win a round of Squad Deathmatch



Win a round of Obliteration



Win a round of Defuse



Win a round of Domination


General Ribbons

Squad Wipe

Perform 2 squad wipes



Perform 3 headshots



Perform 8 resupplies



Kit Ribbons


Destroy 2 Vehicles



Perform 8 heals



Perform 5 revives


Repair Tool

Perform 8 repairs



Perform a headshot from a distance of 250m


Radio Beacon Spawn

Have 3 squad members spawns on you


Commander Resupply

Obtain 10 supply crate uses as Commander


Commander Leadership

Receive 10 orders followed as Commander


Commander Gunship

Deploy 2 gunships as Commander



Team Ribbons

Kill Assist

Perform 5 kill assists



Perform 2 avenger kills



Perform 2 savior kills



Perform 4 spot bonuses


Ace Squad

Be part of the best squad



Receive the highest combat score


Commander Surveillance

Obtain 10 scan bonuses as Commander



If you liked this guide and want to see others, check out ChizeloffdaBlock’s Guide List.